Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Brainful of Books

I think it's more accurate to say that I'm trying to be more intentional about some specific aspect of my life this year than that I've made new year's resolutions, by the way.

That said, I've been a somewhat obsessive reader since.....well, since before I actually learned how to read. (I'll tell that story in another moment.) The past year found me reading fewer actual books than usual--partly due to crappy eye insurance and a need for good glasses, partly due to busyness in a thousand other parts of life and distractions ranging from the necessary to the merely distracting.

I've been increasingly intentional about picking up books and reading them lately, though, and from time to time I'll toss some assorted book-related thoughts out here. In the past eight weeks a few particular titles have wrestled and floated and danced through my brain:

*Last Night In Twisted River by John Irving. (Random House, New York; 2009)
*The Road by Cormac McCarthy. (Alfred A. Knopf, New York; 2006)
*Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris (Little, Brown and Co., Boston; 1997)
(I've completed these ones.)

I'm currently nearly racing through Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown and Co, New York; 2008)
and taking in a few pages at a time of Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg (Shambala Books, 1986).

There are a few other semirandom things I'm kinda half-reading at the moment, but they don't particularly count (theyre mostly things I'm just going back to for their familiarity or to find a few particular insights, quotes or information that I want or need for ideas or projects I'm playing with.)

I'd like to come back and share some thoughts about some of these at some point, but, well, you know--two roads diverged and all that. We'll see.....

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